Joshua Dykgraaf

Artist bio

I'm a photographic manipulation artist based in Melbourne, Australia. I come from a background in commercial image making for advertising and graphic design, working for major companies and agencies around the world - that skill set and image making sense translate to my style in my personal art.

My work features manipulations of my own photography - each piece is composed of hundreds of photos using material I have shot, each requiring 30-80 hours to make, with the resulting images usually having thousands of Photoshop layers. The work explores world building, sense of scale and wonder - deconstructing and reforming the world we live in.

For the last few years, I have been particularly focused on the impact that we as aspecies are having on the natural environment around us, exploring wildlife conservation and climate change.

I am different to most artists because...

I'm a digital artist, focused mostly on photographic manipulation - it's a skillset and style that is very uncommon in the fine art space.

I believe art is an important part of our lives because...

It can have an important role in society to inform and create awareness around issues that otherwise have trouble getting out attention.

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